Below is a list of many of the services Needeep In Design can provide you or your business. If it’s not listed below then send through a message and we will let you know if it’s possible.
- Banners
- Business Cards
- Brand identity guidelines
- Brochures
- Envelopes
- Flyers
- Forms
- Illustrations
- Infographs
- Invoice templates
- Labels
- Letterheads
- Logos
- Magnets
- Pamphlets
- Postcards
- Powerpoint theme setup
- Presentation folders
- Purchase orders books
- QR codes (branded with your logo and colours)
- Quote templates
- Social media graphics (all platforms)
- Stickers
- T-Shirt designs (personal or sports clubs)
- Web graphics
Do you need printing?
Do you also need your work printed and don’t have the time to organise this or you are lost with the jargon the printer is using?
Needeep In Design works closely with a printer and can handle all of this for you!